Thursday, November 15, 2012

More Creations

I have made this bag for someone for Christmas so I can't say for who or much about it but I couldn't wait to post a picture because, honestly, I'm a tad proud of myself. I don't sew but am trying to teach myself and well, this is my first bag and it turned out great! It is quilted with handles and an elastic and button closure.

I also have been seeing these cute mug cozies and I couldn't resist making one for myself. My coffee cools off way too fast. Not sure yet if they work but they are still cute and match my purple mugs!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I’m so thankful for God’s word. Not only for encouragement and direction but for the stories God had written down for us.  You know he chose carefully those that he would want his children to read and learn from. Stories of other’s mistakes and decisions and their consequences. Stories we can read and learn from so we do not make the same mistakes. As Beth Moore (sorry, still studying one of her great studies) said “we want to learn from the classroom and not on a field trip.” 1 Corinthians 6:10 states “Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did.” What is so interesting is that many (maybe all) that had make bad choices were always given a second chance and some many chances. Yet, for certain ones these moments of opportunity to make it right still did not matter. Daniel 5:22 you “have not humbled yourself though you knew all of this.” I have cried over those who I know that they know and yet still choose not to serve Him. The bible states it will be worse for those who know and still do not acknowledge Him. Today is the day of salvation. We are not promised tomorrow or even our next breath. My hearts cry is for those who are lost to seize the opportunity, the second chance and fall into the arms of Jesus.


These next two posts are ones I have written exactly a week apart.  I am still working through the Daniel study by Beth Moore and throughout the study some things stick with me or give me ah-ha moments more than others. So here goes…

As I sit down for my devotions this morning (the day after election day), I knew that no matter what I read in God’s word, it would relate to the past couple of days. I know that not every ear hears and not every eye sees (regarding spiritual matters) or this would be a Garden of Eden. My thought was, God your word is so clear, it seems so simple. Page after page, your truth cries out so loud and clear.
In my study, I began to read about the word security. King Neb (so much easier to write over and over than Nebuchadnezzar) started out in chapter 4 “I Neb was at home in my palace, contented…” The word contented in Aramaic means “at rest or at ease.” I thought what a day to feel the need to be secure! Beth stated, “The human need for security is deeper and wider than anything the oceans of this earth can fill. Until our world’s quake and things start to shatter, we have no idea what lasts.” She references Psalms 62:1-2. Where do I find my rest today? Yes, in my Lord. It’s as if I have my very own castle surrounded by impenetrable stone. I typed this out and realized that is what it translates in the Message too.  God is my fortress. He is also my peace. In a world that can make our hearts so overwhelmed and restless, we can depend on God who turns it into peace and security. May we not try to look for it anywhere else but in God alone. I have peace and security, not the worlds but God’s.  My heart then turns toward those who do not have this peace. So many lost, and deceived by the one that is here only to “steal, kill, and destroy.”  How their hearts must be so anxious and fearful.  I pray today (as I often do) for an open door, a divine appointment to share His peace today.
 If you do not know the Lord, I pray He is revealed to you. All you need to do is believe in your heart that Jesus is God’s son and he came to this earth, died on a cross for our sins and rose again. He now sits at the right hand of God in Heaven awaiting the moment to return to this earth and take us home for eternity. May you know that hope and peace today. God loves you and desires more than anything that He become your peace.

He is the calm in the chaos, a shelter in the storm and a fortress in the fury.

Psalms 62:8 “Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”

Friday, October 26, 2012

You and I are His

We love to belong, do we not? It's great to belong to a club, a group, or a fitness center. The feeling of belonging is humanly natural. I was reminded again this morning when reading Psalms 100 that I am His. That no matter if I never belong to anything else, I belong to God. “Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us and we are his.”  I also was created not for myself but for Him, all for Him. I wonder what my life would look like if I would just remember that every moment and through every circumstance whether trail or triumph. About a year ago, I was given a book in which I read mostly in the car while waiting to pick Madison up from school.  I had to wait a good 30-45 minutes so plenty of time to dive right in to a good one.  It was Watchman Nee’s book “A Normal Christian Life”. What he talked about is something that we all have heard and as believers we know. I know that I am God’s child and that He loves me and He died on the cross for my sins but in those days of reading, God revealed to me what it truly meant about being His and His alone.  Nee talks of steps in the path of progress, and one of these steps are title “Knowing this…” He states “it is not just knowing something about the truth nor understanding some important doctrine. It is not an intellectual knowledge at all, but an opening of the eyes of the heart to see what we have in Christ.” I know God opened my eyes to something I thought I knew. It seems simple but God knew I needed a deeper level of wisdom and confirmation on how much I belonged to Him. I struggle, and I know I am not alone in this, with the concept of “what will people think.” I become too fearful and worry about what others think that it stops me dead in my tracks. I needed to know more than ever that I do not belong to this world or the people of this world but I am His own, period.  I was having a lunch with a friend recently and we touched on the subject of our children finding their niche in life. It reminded us both that even as adults we battle over what or who we are and where our place is. As mothers, if we work, we feel guilty leaving the children and the house. If we stay home, we feel guilty for not having a job outside the home. I learned the hard way that God created me to be me and he has a place for me and that is to simply love and serve him no matter where he puts me. In the world’s eyes, our “jobs” may not be equal to some but in God’s eyes he does not look upon what position you hold or what you do. God asks us of one thing “that you pour out all you have, your very self unto” this world….just kidding...”unto HIM; and if that should be all he allows you to do, that is enough.” Where was this statement when I was struggling to find who I was! How simple and yet so deeply profound that we know we are God’s child and no one else’s.  May you know today, without any doubt who you belong to and know that as God’s child you were created for Him and only Him.  Colossians 1:16b “….all things were created by Him and for Him.”

Monday, October 1, 2012

Beyond Perfectionism

If you are a preacher’s kid or a missionary kid you probably have seen or read the book “I have to be Perfect” by Timothy Sanford. I will never forget reading this several years ago in my late twenties. There is a questionnaire in the middle that you can fill out and rate, what they call a “holy heresy” on a scale of 1, being not true at all to 4, almost always true. Out of the nine I rated a 4 on seven of them and 3 on two. AH HA! So that’s why I’m like that. Just kidding. I fully believe God has made me who I am and he has shaped and molded me to be who I am today through all my trails and triumphs. I am thankful for my upbringing and there truly is no negative or bitter feelings hidden in my heart. However, it is interesting to note that based on my lifestyle growing up, I tend to have certain issues that may hinder or make my path in life a little more difficult. We've all had the psychology class about nature vs nurture. You can take a set of twins, separate them at birth for 20 years and then reunite them and see all kind of differences based on how they were raised but also see many likes (other than maybe their looks) because of just who they are and how God made them.
I have seen through the years in how I raise my children that I carry many of the same convictions my parents carried in raising me and my brother. Sure, I do some things differently but for the most part, because of our similar faith, we share the same convictions.
I was raised in a Christian home. I am a missionary kid. I have served God most of my life. I did have a couple of years of rebellion in which God completely turned my life back around. Thank you Jesus for your healing and forgiveness. Yes, I still struggle to live out my daily life pleasing to the Lord, remembering to have devotions every day, pray everyday, have wisdom in making right decisions, not getting angry or yelling, having a bad attitude, complaining. We die daily and it is a moment by moment journey we are on in this life till we reach heaven.
I have rested in the verse all 15 ½ years my husband and I have been married that “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” found in the book of Joshua. I have prayed over our marriage and over our children. We are faithful to church, faithful to serving and faithful to giving. I have been through the desert in my walk with Christ, and I have been through the showers of rain and refreshing. It is a journey. My utmost desire is always to draw closer to him and see my kids do the same. I know there are many, many Christian mothers whose heart holds the same desire.
What if one day you wake up and you say to yourself “where did I go wrong?” This doesn't happen to Christian families and this certainly doesn't happen to OUR family. My children were brought up to know better. I couldn't mess up as a child and my children can’t mess up either.  Perfection. When did it set in?
I woke to these very questions and not just once but several times. Each time, God reminded me that “no, there is no one who does good” Psalms 42. He also reminds me that each one comes to a point of decision. He gives man a choice.  God also gives us promises. “Train up a child in the way he/she should go and he/she will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6.  I know God hears my prayer each day that I raise to him concerning my children. When they cannot know how to pray for themselves, I know God allows me to intercede for them. In the midst of their chaos and bad decisions, I know God’s army of angels is surrounding them. I know! I know! I know that I know! It is these promises of God I cling to. It is not anything I have done or haven’t done. This one thing I know, that I will seek Him all the days of my life and I can only pray that God shines his light through me to my children and that one day they will carry that same desire, to seek God with all they have. In the meantime, it’s not me and it’s not my husband. It’s the enemy of this world that seeks to kill, steal and destroy. But God says he has overcome this world and we can claim victory and the right to come against the bondage that is trying to take hold of our children. I will continue to seek Him and pray in the spirit and anoint my home and believe it is covered by the precious blood of the Lamb and no one can separate me or my family from the love of Christ.
My children will make mistakes and your children will make mistakes. Whether small or big, we can rest in God’s promise and in his peace that passes all understanding. In this world today we cannot afford to go one day without bringing them before the Lord.
I have also realized in these past few hours of God speaking to my heart, that it’s ok to ask for help. In the midst of perfectionism, help is not in our vocabulary. Today, it is and I have reached out for help. God has seen my cry and it’s all in His hands. Will you lay your children at the cross today? Will you surrender them to the Lord? To all the dear mothers and fathers whom God loves so much, He loves your children too!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

First Tutorial

Tutorials have been life savers for me as I've lack creative thoughts once in a while and can't figure out how in  the world to do something! I love tutorials and even though this is kind of a funny one BUT it's useful and well, hope you enjoy it. Please be merciful as I am not a sewer but am only beginning to teach myself and I don't know all the verbiage. And yes, my final product...the top is larger than the bottom because I've yet to adjust the presser foot pressure...still learning!

Toilet Paper Roll Holder

You will need two cuts of fabric. One is for the outside and one is for the liner. I am sure there is fancy material for both but I just use plain ole cotton prints. They need to measure 11x22 but can be smaller width depending on the width of your toilet roll holder and toilet roll itself.

You will need:
2 cuts of fabric (main piece and lining) 11x22 (width can vary) 
2 pieces of ribbon 16 inches each 
Sewing machine

First, turn your main material piece right side up and pin ribbon in place. I pinned my ribbon 6 1/2 inches apart which left 2 1/4 inches on each side. Pin them an inch below top edge of fabric. 

Second, put right sides together (RST) and pin. Sew 1/2 inch seam allowance all the way around leaving a 3 1/2 in opening at the bottom (opposite where your ribbon is pinned)  to be used to turn inside out later. 

Trim corners and can trim seams as well. 

Then, turn inside out. Be careful of the pins that are still attached inside on the ribbons. Don't poke yourself! Remove the pins now. 


Fold in half. Fold should be at the bottom. Sew the top however you wish. I used a band of fabric (lining fabric) to make it a bit more decorative.

Finally, sew a 1/2 inch from the bottom.. I would put my roll of toilet paper in to make sure you are not making it too tight so you may need to sew further from the bottom or not so much.

That's it! Easy, huh? Below are pictures I hope help out.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Earrings Made Easy

A few weeks ago I bought a pair of earrings and when I bought them I knew I could make many in different colors. So here they are. All my jewelry is for sale. Click on the link to the right, Jewelry by Jen and it will take you to my facebook store. I hope to do a tutorial one day when I can get the patience to take pictures and write down all my steps! These were super easy to make, and two different sizes are pictured.

The single earring pictured is the one I bought.

Monday, September 24, 2012

For The Small Of It

Is it easier for you to remember the small things that have happened in your life or the big things? We seem to remember the big move, changing schools, the promotion, the pay raise, our day of receiving Christ or being filled with Spirit, or the first time our babies said “momma” instead of “dada,” the day someone said something to you that hurt deep to your core. These are the big things, wouldn’t you agree? What about the small things? A simple conversation with an acquaintance, a paper cut on our finger, a text message, a facebook post, leaving a tip at dinner, stopping at the stop sign, saying yes to helping out a friend, passing by a child on his bike, checking the mail. These don’t seem like huge things in our life or seem to matter to us as much.
Last night we joined two other couples in a Life Group in a home so graciously opened up for fellowship and prayer. It was mentioned that sometimes we miss the small things in life. Sometimes it may seem small to us but to the person on the receiving end, it’s huge! We began to share a few experiences and then continued to pray for divine appointments. Not only do we need to pray for diving appointments but sometimes those appointments are overlooked or missed because we are always looking for the big things.
I laid in bed last night my mind whirling we thoughts of the day. My phone buzzed. I thought about not even looking, surely it could wait till morning. However, it couldn’t so I grabbed my phone. That would have been ridiculous to not see what it was! I wouldn’t have been able to sleep, you know the feeling! I’m not alone on that one.  It was a notification that someone had posted something on facebook and mentioned my name. I looked to see that a lady in our new church we’ve been attending posted she was excited about Bible Study this week and included my name in her statement. I am sure she thought nothing of what that small gesture did for me. It made my night! Something so small was huge! I thanked the Lord that someone was remembering I was there and that I didn’t need to shrink back from making new friends and enjoying a ladies bible study once again. Maybe it would make more sense to confess that I did not attend last week because I didn’t think anyone would notice anyhow and I wasn’t up to making new friends. I knew this wasn’t right and God knew what my true heart desired and He came and met that desire and that need. I wrote her because I wanted her to know that simple gesture blessed me because I know in turn she will be blessed. As you go about your day remember the word found in Zechariah “Do not despise small things.” The word despise in the Old Testament means “to reject, refuse.” We are guilty of rejecting or refusing the small things because we are always asking and seeking the big things. Luke 19:17 says “Well done my good servant,” his master replied. “Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.” If we take time to hear God’s voice in the small things of life, he can trust us to see Him in bigger things for our life. I have found that I do not have to bear a big title, be known by those most important, accomplish a great feat, be perfect in how I mother my children or take care of my home. I only need to hold those small things in my hand which God has given me and take care of them knowing I can trust Him for greater things in his due time. It’s the small things that carry us through, that encourages us and helps us take one more step in life. Don’t miss them today! Be a blessing, even a small one!

Below is a picture my daughter took of one of the many beautiful flowers in Rwanda.

Trying a little bit of everything

My mantel for fall. I loved making the centerpiece. 
It looks good enough to leave up all year
 if I do say so myself :-)

Since we have moved to a new state I have had to put a few projects on the back burner. I have been dying to get my hands on something crafty. I love to create. My husband recently has helped me set up a craft area (the kitchen table just wasn't cutting it). Therefore, I've been able to tackle a few projects. I can't stand to stay on one project forever. I tend to have a few going at the same time and using different materials such beads for jewelry making, crochet, and most recently, I've been teaching myself to sew! It's amazing what you can learn on the internet...and pinterest :-)!  I won't be ashamed to say that I love pinterest and thanks to it, these are a few of my latest creations.

Lined crochet mini bag. It looks lopsided but I must point out that it's not. I wish I could take a picture with the handles standing up.

According to my brother, this is a wine bag but it's NOT! Its a drawstring bag that is so simple to make and I think it would be great to have a few more on hand to hold Christmas presents this year!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Everybody's Doing It

Everybody’s doing it. Yes, that is a phrase I’ve heard a few times in my house while raising my teenage daughter. I spoke it too many times growing up. Everybody’s doing it.  Well, if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you? How many times have you heard that one? Today it’s a phrase that crosses my mind as I sit here and contemplate starting a blog; everybody’s doing it, should I? Obviously, I have since you are reading this post. I don’t take that phrase lightly when it comes to going against my values, morals or things I deem inappropriate.  I also relate this to my daughter and to my son who has also stated this phrase. I tell them to be careful in their decisions and ask God for wisdom and guidance; just because everyone is doing it, doesn’t make it ok, right, true or praiseworthy.  I am not a writer by any means but I do hope that I am able to inspire, encourage, or support someone through a life I consider is far from perfect, always changing, sometimes boring (ok maybe most of the time) but always leaning on this one truth, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua  24:15.  Thank you for taking this journey with me as I share my thoughts and creative ideas that the Lord gives to me.  I hope through creating, it brings life to a monotonous day. God created us in his image and through His eyes our life is certainly not boring but keeps God very busy! Let the creative juices flow!
Colossians 1:16