Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I’m so thankful for God’s word. Not only for encouragement and direction but for the stories God had written down for us.  You know he chose carefully those that he would want his children to read and learn from. Stories of other’s mistakes and decisions and their consequences. Stories we can read and learn from so we do not make the same mistakes. As Beth Moore (sorry, still studying one of her great studies) said “we want to learn from the classroom and not on a field trip.” 1 Corinthians 6:10 states “Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did.” What is so interesting is that many (maybe all) that had make bad choices were always given a second chance and some many chances. Yet, for certain ones these moments of opportunity to make it right still did not matter. Daniel 5:22 you “have not humbled yourself though you knew all of this.” I have cried over those who I know that they know and yet still choose not to serve Him. The bible states it will be worse for those who know and still do not acknowledge Him. Today is the day of salvation. We are not promised tomorrow or even our next breath. My hearts cry is for those who are lost to seize the opportunity, the second chance and fall into the arms of Jesus.

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