Monday, June 2, 2014

Roosters for your Nest

This is just a fun post because I’m so excited about all the little “craft” things I’ve been working on. I would post pictures but it would give it all away to the one person that I’m crafting for!

My mom is not only my mother but also my dearest friend. This was not always the case but I’m so thankful the Lord brought us close and gave us the relationship we have today! Even though she has always lived thousands of miles away we still remain close. Mom, you are heaven sent for sure and I couldn’t make it without you!!

In the many years that she has been a missionary, she has gone through two (maybe more) times where she has lost everything (materials that is). I know it seems cliché; they were only things. But I know that as a woman, we long for a home to call our own, to set up house, to decorate and make it comfortable and livable.

 I remember growing up that no matter where we ended up laying our heads at night, mom always made sure our home was OUR home. She would pull out something of her own to hang up or lie over the couch or put on the kitchen table. She also got very excited when she would get anything she could call her own to put up in the house; one thing in particular, curtains! However, there is nothing like setting up home and then it being taken out from underneath you in an instant, only to start over once again.

With that said, this is the reason I’m doing so many craft projects! I have a wonderful surprise for my momma! Soon she will be retiring and I’m already praying for a beautiful home for her to call her own. I love to decorate and make a place feel homey so I know I already have full permission to start a wonderful stash of goodies for her new home, even if it’s a trailer, dad!

Our secret, I’m really praying the trailer out of the equation!

Here’s a hint: sewing and roosters J

I love you mom!

What's Your Motive?

I’m just gearing up for my summer bible study so I’m reading 1 Thessalonians. I already couldn’t get passed verse 3 before I had to stop, reflect, and pray. Good stuff! I love studying his word, equipping myself for life.

My summary of verse three:

I need faith to do your work, love to be my motive and hope in Christ Jesus that I may never give up!

Sometimes, when I’m wishing for something, you know, that something bigger and better, the Lord reminds me of my motive. It seems I pose that question a lot; what is my motive? Of course, I want it to be love. I want my motives to be sincere and selfless. This isn’t always the case. Greed creeps in or selfish ambition, among other things.

Peter told Simon the sorcerer, in Acts 8 “you have no part in this ministry because your heart is not right before God.” Simon saw the work of the Holy Spirit and thought he could buy this gift of God, this ability to do what Peter and John were doing. What was his motive? It certainly wasn’t out of love. He wanted it for his own power and prestige.

God doesn’t give us bigger and better things to enhance our own life, to grow our own wealth, to gain our own power. “Hey world, look at me. Look what I can do. Look what I’ve done.”

Personally, this has been a discipline for me, this whole motive thing. I have certain desires in my heart to which I know they are God’s desire too but quite possibly, it could be my motive, my heart that isn’t ready yet. I want to say to God, “Look, I’m ready. I’m pretty sure now is the time.”

 Did you know God can work best in us when we just surrender? Oh how hard that is sometimes. I know it sounds so easy. We may think we have surrendered and we think we are ready to take on that bigger task when God knows our heart, our true thoughts.

Hebrews 4:12, “the word of God….it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Simon was full of bitterness and captive to sin. Our motives do not have to be as strong as Simons but any motive, other than love, keeps us captive right where we are.

I feel sometimes what God has called me to do it seems hard to reach, maybe a little out of my grasp. I seek Him, asking Him to search my heart. Asking him to help me know what I haven’t surrendered and to keep my motives pure.

Psalms 139:23-24 “Search me O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

I don’t want to answer his call, or do anything for Him before my heart is right because I can do his work with greater faith and continued hope.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

What if People Saw Me

What If People Saw Me

What if people saw me
like you see me, Jesus;
Wonderfully made,
Gifted, and

What if people saw me
like you see me, Jesus;
Fearless, and

What if people saw me
like you see me, Jesus;
Honorable, and

What if people saw each other
like you see us, Jesus;
Rescued, and most of all

Pain in the Delay

There are so many emotions and lessons to glean from John 11 in the story of Lazarus and one of them is being patient in the delays.

Mary and Martha’s brother Lazarus had fallen ill and they reached out to their dear friend, Jesus. They knew he could touch Lazarus and heal him; they had seen it done before.  They knew Jesus’ love for them and Lazarus and surely once he heard he would waste no time in coming. However, they waited not two days but four days before Jesus appeared. Four days may not seem long but when grieving the loss of a family member it can seem like an eternity. We see they worried, wondering where Jesus was and why he had not come. Where was their Lord, the one they longed for to come touch their brother and give them comfort? They were hurting and sorrowful over the sickness and now death of their Lazarus. They were experiencing heartache while waiting for Jesus to come, if he ever came.  I’m sure doubt set in. They turned to those around them for comfort. Maybe they had even given up hope. They didn't understand the delay.

I’m sure it was even hard for Jesus to delay his journey there as this family meant a lot to him and scriptures say he loved them very much. Jesus says that he was glad he didn't rush there before he died or he would have healed him right there and missed the opportunity for his Father to shine and for those around to believe! This passage is so full of the character of our Lord who feels every pain, longing, sorrow, joy and gladness we feel!

But then…. Martha heard that Jesus was coming!! Finally! She rushed out to meet him but Mary stayed home. I think Martha didn't think twice about going or staying but ran to meet him to give him a piece of her mind! “Why didn't you come earlier? Now my brother has died!” And I just wonder if Mary stayed back, not wanting to see Jesus because she was too grieved, and maybe a little ashamed of her doubt. How many times have we seen Jesus’ faithfulness in our lives and yet when our next storm hits and we wail and wallow wondering where he is when He’s been there all along waiting for us to refocus on Him.  When Mary finally went to meet him, for he had called for her, she fell at his feet.  I know many times I doubt in the delay and when God shows himself I feel horrible for my lack of faith. He’s done it before in my life, you know been so faithful, so why do I doubt he won’t do it again?! 

Mary and Martha were distraught and still consumed by grief and instead of being relieved that Jesus was finally there, they demanded to know why he had not come sooner because their brother would still be alive! He didn't reprimand them but Jesus saw and felt their pain. His own heart ached. He too felt the deep emotions of a lost friend and for these ladies who thought Lazarus was truly gone. He wept right along with them. 

In our own lives, we rush ahead of what God wants to do. In the midst of our trials it is hard to focus our mind on Him. God works for our good but most importantly He works for His glory. He sees the bigger picture, the end result. What if we went through each trial in our life with expectation! Once we were through it we knew our miracle would come! Jesus wasn't being mean or unthoughtful in his actions to delay but the timing was not right for what he needed to accomplish.

 I love the way one commentary puts it  “God's delays, in answering prayers offered to him by persons in distress, are often proofs of his purpose to confer some great kindness, and they are also proofs that his wisdom finds it necessary to permit an increase of the affliction, that his goodness may be more conspicuous in its removal.”

Jesus knew waiting periods would be tough because the bible is full of encouragement for us to hold on, to wait in His strength. It’s ok to have to wait. You are ok in the midst of the delay.

Psalms 3:5 “I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me.” The definition of sustain is “to provide what is needed for”. The Lord nurtures and nourishes us even in the waiting.

And Habakkuk 2:3 “For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”  The message says “If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.” I know it seems to be a cliché but it holds true that God is always on time.

Whatever it is you’re waiting for, keep waiting and hold on and don’t give up. Is it a promise God has given you? Is it a prayer you've continued to pray over and over? Ask the Lord to give you wisdom in the waiting, strength to not grow weary. Make this time of waiting an opportunity to bring him honor and grow closer to him. Cling to his hope even if the answer seems to be delayed. Continue to seek Him and don’t be surprised when He shows up, just in the nick of time! Your miracle is coming! We can hope in the fact that his unsurpassing power and glory will be revealed when it does.

 It should stir excitement within us to know He is always at work so that when the time comes, we will stand in awe of Him. The delay always brings something greater than we can imagine. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

There is no substitute

Psalms 73:23-26

23. Yet I am always with you;
I'm always in your (God's) presence....
"Where can I go from your Spirit?
    Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
    if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
    your right hand will hold me fast." 
Psalms 139:7-10
You hold me by my right hand.
My right hand is familiar and stronger.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
    With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Psalms 16:8
24. You guide me with your counsel.
When reading and meditating on your Word I find the way I should go. Your Holy Spirit guides and directs me.
and afterward you will me into glory.
HALLELUJAH! Following your Word leads me to eternal life with you!
25. Whom have I in heaven but you?
No One!! 
I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
    apart from you I have no good thing.”

Psalms 16:2
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
There is no substitute for you Lord. "I don't want to gain this whole world and lose my soul."-TM
 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law,but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.
Philippians 3:8-9
26.My flesh and my heart my fail.
My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak. 
My soul yearns, even faints,
    for the courts of the Lord;
my heart and my flesh cry out
    for the living God.

Psalms 84:2
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
 I can do nothing without him. It is God and God alone who is my strength, my rock! He is my inheritance.
Photo taken by Madison in Rwanda 2012

Do Not Be Afraid

I think they call it writer’s block but for me it’s just pure laziness! I thought I would try to get back into it with this story about my awesome son Ethan!

My baby boy is growing up way too fast! He just turned 12 years old this month and he only has a few weeks left in 6th grade. He is easy going, lovable, and seems always ready to learn and help around the house.
It wasn't but a few weeks ago I received an email from his school nurse. It stated Ethan needed some updated immunizations, SHOTS!  Not only did he need the required two shots for middle school but also one this momma neglected to keep him updated on! That makes the total number of needles to be three!
When Ethan got wind of the news, I had never seen his eyes so big. He literally becomes a different child when fear grips his heart. The poor child was beside himself with great anxiety. He stated in a matter of fact way that he was not going to be getting the shots and that he would just not go to middle school! After several hours of convincing him that was not an option, he decided to go on with life and just pray I never called the doctor to schedule the appointment.
I have to back up a bit and let you know Ethan was my miracle baby. Really, all our children are miracles aren't they? Ethan, however, was born a week and half early, weighing a whopping 8lbs 3 oz! He was rushed to the NICU because he wasn't breathing well. After 10 days of an oxygen tent, a ventilator and feeding tube, we were able to bring him home. To this very day, 12 years later, he has been as healthy as an ox. No joke, this child of mine doesn't even know what the inside of a doctor’s office looks like.
His memory of his last shot has him traumatized I’m sure. Our trip to Africa in 2012 required the yellow fever shot. We visited our local Safeway for this adventure. It took an hour and his dad, nurse and I to hold him down. My laid back, take life as it comes kid had such fear all over his face and body!
Therefore, I knew today would be no piece of cake. All he’s been thinking about since we made the appointment is the three huge needles that would be sticking him in his arms and evidently possibly causing death. Ok, not really on the death part or the huge needles but to him he might as well be laying himself down to die. He was so nervous even one of the teachers in the car pool lane was yelling out to me that she hoped he did well at the doctor today. He wasn’t being quiet about his anxiety!
Ok, so now for the whole reason I’m writing this because our time together was truly sweet and I’m thankful for the teachable moments God gives to me to speak into my children’s lives. On another note, this forgetful momma really wanted to be more spiritual by doing this the night before and taking our time but each day brings new mercies and so it’s better late than never.
As I was driving him to school, I wanted to help calm his fears about today and what would happen at approximately 2:30pm. The appointment was at 2:00pm so you know what I mean. I had printed out a whole booklet of scripture on fear. I told Ethan I would bring it with me when I picked him up later today and we could read some together. (This is what I wanted to do the night before). He gladly agreed that was a wonderful idea and his last words to me were “Don’t forget it”. He knows me too well!
Yes, you guessed it, I forgot it! I had to turn around and go back and get it. As I walked with him to the car, he was laughing and joking. Laughter is his coping mechanism so we laughed and talked as I drove toward the doctor’s office. When we got there I pulled out the scripture booklet and Isaiah 41:10 jumped right out. Here’s what I began to read and say,
“Ethan, do not fear, I am with you! And God says it again just to be sure we hear, do not be afraid Ethan for I am your God and I will give you, Ethan, strength. I will help you not be afraid and to be strong. I will even hold on to you. There is no need for mom or the nurses to hold you down because I’m holding you with my right hand which is so full of power and strength. He’s right here holding your hand.”
I ended with a funny for one more smile. I told him God’s right handed and it’s pretty strong so tell him not to squeeze too hard…….at least he laughed J
We bowed our heads and I prayed over my son asking God to be with him and to calm his fears. I was so thrilled inside to find this perfect verse and Ethan’s heart to want to trust God.
I pray that through any circumstance both my kids would remember to lean on His Word and to take courage.

Ethan did great by the way. He’s more elated that he doesn’t have to go through that again for another 10 years!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Tickled Pink

I’m sitting at my kitchen table this morning after studying. It’s quiet here and so my thoughts wander to my family, scattered about today.  My daughter is on a 8th grade field trip today, my son at school participating in field day, my husband at work, and the rest of my immediate family is thousands of miles away in Africa.  In this quiet moment, it sure feels lonely. This takes my thoughts to my studying today.  A question was posed, what have your circumstances taught you?

To me, in a lonely place, to which I have found myself more often than not these past weeks, my circumstances have brought a new light to Philippians 4:11. Paul says “for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”  I know Paul’s situation involved many aspects but I know one of them was loneliness.  Chained in prison, he was longing for word from his beloved Philippian believers and friends.

 If I chose to dwell on my loneliness, and my mind became clouded with such feelings as self-pity or despondency, I could easily miss an opportunity God had for me. It could be in that very moment when this cloud of thoughts overtook me that God had planned an open door, and while wallowing away, I missed it. It could be in those cloudy moments that my child cries out in need for me but I missed it, or my husband needs my listening ears and shoulder to lean upon but I missed it. I saw this today, “to the world you maybe one person, but to one person you may be the world.” In others words when are minds are overtaken by selfish and discontented thoughts we miss opportunities that God has for us, but also opportunities to be there for our families.

We have a choice each day to come against our thoughts of despair, discontentment, and discouragement and choose to think upon the words found in Philippians 4:8. Today I choose thoughts of truth, nobility, purity, loveliness, excellence and praise to the only One who is worthy. If I choose to be content whether in need or want (relating not only to food, clothes or shelter) then I am ever ready for the next chapter God has for me. I am then prepared and ready to step up to the plate when He ask. There will be no missed opportunity when are thoughts are right.

I looked up synonyms for content and my favorite was, “tickled pink.”  You can’t say that out loud and not smile, right? I hope you are tickled pink today.

I look forward to this season passing and stepping into a new one but while here, as hard as it is sometimes, I rest in his peace, draw ever so close to the one who is a friend that never leaves, or forsakes, who gives me strength to press on. 

Choose to be content no matter what this world throws at you today because just around the corner there might be something grand you would have missed.

What have your circumstances taught you? I believe there is a lesson in everything we go through.